Pop-up playgroups these summer holidays

Registrations essential

Tuesday January 14th

Thursday January 23rd

Have you been keen to try out our bush playgroup or bush kinder sessions? Find out what it’s all about this term break. Mud, puddles and plenty of sensory fun for all!

After popular demand, POP-UP playgroup sessions are back to get you outdoors over this summer break.

These relaxed sessions are to be held in the beautiful bushland of Fez’s Wetlands in Thornbury on the Darebin Creek from 9:30-11:30AM. This is a wonderful opportunity to try out Bush Playgroup sessions and have fun connecting with your children and through open ended play experiences in nature.

Parents/Guardians are responsible for children at all times during these sessions.

For further information please email us at n8ureplaylearning@gmail.com